During the life time of the Prophet (570-632 A.D.) Islam had spread almost in the whole of Arabia After the death of the Prophet, during the periods of Omayyad dynasty of Sunnis ( 632-750 A.D.) and Abbasid dynasty in Shias (750-1256 A.D.) Islam spread like wild fire and very soon it engulfed most of the neighboring territories. Especially during the period of the first four caliphs, it made a rapid progress and was penetrated into various parts of the world. The Arabs conquered many states of the world at the close of the first century of the Hazira (Era) 732 A.D. ) The political domination led to religions domination and so most of the people of the conquered areas embrace Islam. During the reign of walid I (705-714 A.D. ) and Omayyad Calipah, in 712 A.D. the Arabs of Mesopotamia, Mohammad-bin-Qasim invaded Sind and conquered it. Sind was under the domination of the Arabs for more than 2000 years, consequently the Arabs won some followers for their faith, hence in a way the Arab conquest of Sind led to the spread of Islam in India. But they cannot make a permanent empire in India, so this conquest proved nothing more than, Islam had spread into Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Balkh, Herat, Kabul, Spain, Damascus and Central Asia.
Though the first attempt to conquer India for the Islamic faith was made in 712 A.D. but attempt to establish a permanent empire in Sind failed and as a result, the Muslim faith received a great set back at least for two centuries. Again in the 11th and 12 the 12th A.D. the Muslims ( Turkish) under Mahmood Ghaznavi and Mohammd Ghori invaded India and became successful in establishing a permanent empire in India. Mahmood Ghaznavi (967-1030 A.D. ) led seven expeditions against India ( 1001-1027 A.D.) During his reign over India, Islam began to make a rapid progress in this Country. When the Indians were asked to choose either of the two-death or Islam, a huge number of them embraces, Islam. According to some of the Muslim Historians, Mahmood Ghaznavi invaded India with the aim of spreading the Muslim faith in this country and with this aim, he broke idols and raised temples to the ground, Mahmood Ghaznavi died in 1030 A.D.
Though during the rule of Mahmood Ghaznavi, Islam made a rapid progress, yet it cannot be denied that it was Mohammad Ghori, who was the real founder of the Mulsim empire in India. He led a number of expeditions against India for about 30 years ( 1175 to 1206 A.D.) He was more political and a better statesman than Mahmud aimed at the wealth of India, but Ghori aim at the conquest of India and planting a permanent Muslim Empire in this Country, in which he succeeded. His conquest of India was real and permanent. The territories conquered by him were never lost to Islam,. When he left India in 1195 A.D. he left the administration of India in the hands of his viceroy Kutub-ud-din-Aibak, who further extended the dominions of Islam in India. Mohammad Ghori died in 1206 A.D.
After the death of Mohammad Ghori, Kutub-ud-din-Aibak rose to power and founded the Slave Dynasty. He was the founder of Delhi Sultanate. The Slave dynasty ruled over India from 1206 to 1290 A.D. After the downfall of Slave Dynasty another Muslim ruler Jalal-ud-Din Khilji founded the 'Khilji-dynasy' which remained in poer from 1290 to 1320 A.D. After the downfall of the 'Khilji-dynasty' Ghias-ud-Din Tughlak, founded the 'Tuglak-dynasty' which rules from 1320 to 1414 A.D. Then came into power ( 1451-1526 A.D.)
In 1524 A.D. Babar started from Kabul for the conquest of India in 1526 A.D. he defeated Ibrahim Lodhi and put an end of the Delhi Sultanate and founded the Mughal dynasty. The last emperor of the Mughal dynasty was Bahadur Shah ( 1836-1858) Hence, with the extension of territories under the Muslim rule, Islam also spread for and wide in India.
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